Giving Tuesday 2024

Giving Tuesdayにご協力ありがとうございました 1/7/2025

先日の「Giving Tuesday 2024 ニューイングランドで生まれた赤ちゃんをお祝いしましょう!」にご協力いただき、ありがとうございました。


合わせて、このプロジェクトはJMSA (Japanese Medical Society of Americaー米国日本人医師会)のコミュニティ・アウトリーチ・プログラム(JCOP)からも$2,000のグラントをいただいております。



引き続きJB Lineの活動をご支援いただけますようお願いいたします。

​Dear JB Line Supporters

Thank you for your support ​for the recent “Giving Tuesday 2024 Celebrating Babies Born in New England!​"

We are very pleased to report that we have raised $2,000 by January 6th, with a goal of $1,500.

In addition, we have received a $2,000 grant from the Japanese Medical Society of America (JMSA) Community Outreach Program (JCOP) for this project.

With these important funds, we are starting a project this month to send Japanese picture books to babies born in New England. Through this opportunity, we aim to connect with and support new families.

Project activities will be reported in our newsletters and other publications.

We hope you will continue to support JB Line's activities.

Giving Tuesday 2024  ニューイングランドで生まれた赤ちゃんをお祝いしましょう!  12/3/2024

いつもJB Lineを応援していただきありがとうございます。

今年のGiving Tuesdayを通し、JB Lineはニューイングランドで出産されるご家族を応援します!

Giving  Tusedayは、サンクスギビング明けの火曜日から「人のために」寄付をしようという日です。本年始まった親子支援を通し、お子さんとのコミュニケーションツールとなる日本語の絵本を送ることで、JB Lineは慣れない海外での子育てに取り組むご家族を応援します。



JB Lineでは、$10前後の絵本を100家族に送ることを目標としています。郵送料$5を100組分合わせて$1500寄付を募りたいと考えています。

今年のGiving Tuesday12月3日(火)から年末まで受け付けております。少額でも寄付をいただけると私たちの新しい活動の励みになります。


Giving Tuesday 2024


【Giving Tuesday 2024: Let's Celebrate Babies Born in New England】

Dear JB Line Supporters

Thank you for your continued support of JB Line.

Through this year's Giving Tuesday, JB Line is proud to support families giving birth in New England!

Giving Tuseday is a day of giving “for others” beginning the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Through the young family support program that began this year, JB Line will support families who are raising children in unfamiliar foreign countries by sending Japanese picture books that will serve as a communication tool with their children. 

Currently, the birth rate in Japan is 1.2 (0.99 in Tokyo), and measures to support child-rearing are being developed on a national level. Childbirth and childcare in foreign countries, where the culture of the mother country is reflected in the child's culture, can be difficult. 

JB Line's goal is to send around $10 worth of picture books to 100 families. We are hoping to raise $1500, including a $5 shipping fee for 100 families. We will be accepting donations from this year's Giving Tuesday, December 3 until the end of the year. Any donation, even a small one, will be greatly appreciated and will encourage us in our new endeavor. 

To participate, please go here: Giving Tuesday 2024


Thank you in advance for your support.

JB Line, Inc.