Welcome to the World, Babies!
JB Lineは2025年、ニューイングランド地域で産まれた赤ちゃんとご家族に日本語の絵本を贈ります!
JB Line will gift Japanese picture books to families with babies born in the New England area in 2025!
お申込みの方には、JB Lineから日本語の絵本(新品)を1冊送ります。
Eligible applicants will be families with babies born in the New England area on or after January 1, 2025.
Upon application, JB Line will send one brand new picture book in Japanese to the applicant.
Please sign up for a book here.
JB Lineではこの機会を通し、ニューイングランドで新しいご家族と繋がり、応援していくことを目指しています。
We are also placing flyers at the Consulate General of Japan in Boston and the Japanese Association of Greater Boston.
JB Line aims to connect with and support new families in New England through this opportunity.
If you know of anyone who is eligible, please let them know about this project.
* Please understand that the campaign will end once all the books have been sent out.
このプロジェクトは2024年のGiving Tuesdayに寄せられた寄付と、米国日本人医師会のJCOPグラントにより実施されています。
The project is funded by donations made on Giving Tuesday, 2024 and a JCOP grant from the Japanese Medical Society of America.